General disclaimer
The content and information provided is written by and with the assistance of nutritionists. Although we provide in-depth information, and specific weights and portion sizes, it is designed to be a set of generic guidelines aimed at a broad spectrum audience so it should not be relied on exclusively for your child’s specific health and nutritional requirements. Regardless of any portion sizes shown, a hungry child should always be fed. These guidelines are not designed to address pre-existing nutrient deficiencies, allergies, or any other food-related health problems. If you or your child has such problems please seek the advice of your pediatrician or healthcare professional. Never delay seeking or disregard professional advice due to something you have read here as it is not intended to be a substitute for personalized nutritional advice, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any specific medical questions should be presented to your own healthcare professional.
This site does not replace proper care and attention to your child at all times, especially while they are eating. Safe food handling practices should always be followed when preparing food. You assume full responsibility and liability for your own actions and, by using this book, agree that Creative Nourish Ltd and any associated persons are to be held harmless and have no liability for the interpretation or use of the information provided. You recognize that we make no warranties or representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness, timeliness or usefulness of any opinions, advice, services or other information contained, or referenced to, in this document. We assume no risk for your use of this information as such materials or content may not contain the most recent information.
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